Ultra Team
Silver State Striders Ultra Runners Mission: We advance the community of ultra running by volunteering; by encouraging runners who are new to the sport; by supporting runners who are already involved in the sport; by conducting our training in a friendly and supportive environment; by training and racing through all types of weather and on all types of terrain; by knowing that all runners, no matter ability or accomplishment level, are all members of the same community.
The Silver State Striders Ultra runners use training schedules and foundational ultra philosophies designed by several of our group’s most successful runners. The Striders’ Ultra training philosophy is based on proven effective training runs and nutritional techniques.
A core group of runners, who are among the most experienced Ultra runners in northern Nevada, devise the year’s training schedule based on the needs and race goals of the Striders’ Ultra group.
The ultra training group normally runs together Tuesday and Thursday evenings, at various locations throughout Reno, as well on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Run distances on weeknights is usually in the 5- to 9-mile range, with long runs on Saturdays stretching from 16 to 28 miles. Most of the runs are done on trails, with a good amount of climbing and descending. Times, locations and driving directions, are posted each Monday on the Training Schedule page, as well as the Truckee Meadows Running Facebook.
For more than three decades the Striders’ ultra group has been in charge of the Foresthill aid station at the Western States Endurance Run. By virtue of this continuing service and commitment to WSER, the Striders receive one (1) entry spot into Western States each year. The Striders hold a lottery each November in order to determine the person who will receive entry into Western States.
Volunteerism at Strider-related events, being a regular and positive presence throughout the year and contributing to the success of the Striders in a tangible ways remain the focal points of our criteria for selection for inclusion into our November drawing.
To be considered for the Striders’ Western States lottery, you must have done and do the following:
- Declare your intention to pursue the spot during the 2025 season by notifying the Striders no later than April 1, 2025. This notification must come in the form of an email to the Striders. Individuals who do not formally meet this deadline and declare their intention at a later time will not be considered for the lottery.
- Achieved a qualifier at a Western States qualifying race during the qualifying period that would officially place your name in the Western States Endurance Run December 2025 lottery (see the WSER website for races and time frame). You must be officially entered in the Western States December lottery in order to be considered for the Striders’ drawing.
- Have been a regular presence during our weekly training runs as well as any activities associated with the Striders.
- Submitted an essay of a minimum of 500 words explaining how you have contributed to the Striders’ mission and success over the past year and why the Striders are an important part of your running. Video submissions of a minimum of five (5) minutes that also describe and amplify these same points, will also be considered in lieu of a written essay.
- Accumulated at least 25 hours of volunteer time at Strider events which serve as the basis for volunteer hour requirements. Events that count toward this volunteer amount in 2025 are: the Striders’ aid station at The Canyons, April 26; Silver State 50/50 Endurance Runs, June 7; Striders’ aid station at Broken Arrow, June 21; Foresthill aid station at Western States Endurance Run, June 28. Due to this year’s modification of the Tahoe Rim Trail 100 miler, volunteering at TRT will not be considered for the spot in 2025. Make sure that the aid station captain from our club at each event is aware of your presence and confirms the number of hours you volunteered.
- In order to be considered for the Striders’ Western States lottery, it is MANDATORY that you have volunteered at Silver State 50/50 in 2025. This is our most important event of every calendar year. It is important that we all contribute to its success by volunteering.
In order to be considered for inclusion in the Striders’ lottery, you must submit this information to the Striders at, striderstrail@gmail.com, no later than Friday, Nov. 14, 2025.
A special committee will then evaluate all submissions. The committee will then determine a minimum pool of finalists for a drawing based on the criteria above as well as the subjective merits of each submission. The committee’s determination of the finalists for the drawing is considered final and is not subject to appeal. Please note that simply meeting the 25-hour volunteer requirement is not enough; the other points above will be weighed equally, if not more, during the committee’s selection process.
The finalists will then have their names placed in the Strider lottery, which will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2025 at 6 p.m. at Eclipse Pizza. The first name drawn in the lottery that night will be the Striders’ representative in the 2026 Western States 100-Mile Endurance Run. A second name will then be chosen to serve as the Striders’ alternate. The alternate can still have their name placed in December’s Western States lottery.
General questions regarding the Striders’ lottery or training runs,
Email: striderstrail@gmail.com